Scholarship applications are open!
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Where Success Meets the Written Word!

Hey there, word wizards and storytelling enthusiasts! 🌟
Get ready to dive into the magic of Superstars Writing Seminars, the ultimate destination on your writing adventure!

FEBRUARY 6 - 9, 2025

Scholarship Applications are Open!

Superstars is a life-changing event. We offer many scholarships to attend the conference; some cover the price of admission, while others include travel, lodging, and a daily food stipend.

Learn more about the Scholarships by navigating to Seminars > Scholarships in the menu.

To apply, click the button below and fill out the form completely. If you have any questions, email

apply now

About Our Mission

At Superstars Writing Seminars, our mission is clear: to empower writers, ignite creativity, and guide individuals on the transformative journey to becoming successful authors.

Since our inception in 2010, we've been on a mission to redefine writing conferences, offering more than just workshops: we're on a quest to shape careers and transform dreams into tangible success stories.

Trusted Partners

2025 Sponsors

Featured Instructors
2024 Guest Instructors
Current and Past Instructors
Our Secret

The Secret of Superstars:
Tribe Culture

Superstars is unique in our industry because of Tribe Culture, and also the approachability of our instructors and presenters. We are a small, tight-knit group of career-minded professionals with a network for all to rely on. Long lunches are an important part of programming, and we encourage you to get together and bond with Tribe over a meal during the event. Whether you’re a seasoned author or editor or just getting started, don’t hesitate to immerse yourself in the Tribe Culture. It’s what sets us apart from other writing conferences.



James A. Owen

Board Member

full bio

Rebecca Moesta


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Brandon Sanderson


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Kevin J. Anderson

Board Chair

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Founders In MEMORIAM

Eric Flint

Founder in Memoriam

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David Farland

Founder in Memoriam

full bio

All 2024 Instructors

Jana S. Brown

B. Daniel Blatt

Sabine Berlin

C.J. Anaya

Lou Agresta
